Peer-Reviewed Publications
Smith, Jasmine Carrera, Jared K. Clemons, Arvind Krishnamurthy, Miguel Martinez, Leann McLaren, and Ismail White. (2023). “Willing but Unable: Reassessing the Relationship between Racial Group Consciousness and Black Political Participation.” American Political Science Review, 1-17.
Benjamin, A., Block, R., Clemons, J., Laird, C., & Wamble, J. (2020). Set in Stone? Predicting Confederate Monument Removal. PS: Political Science & Politics, 53(2), 237-242. doi:10.1017/S1049096519002026
White, Ismail K, Chryl N. Laird, Ernest B. McGowen, and Jared K. Clemons. (2019). “Political Awareness in Black and White: The Effect of Attention to Black Political Discourse on Black Opinion Formation.” In How Public Policy Impacts Racial Inequality, eds. Josh Grimm and Jaime Loke. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press.
Benjamin, A., Block, R., Clemons, J., Laird, C., & Wamble, J. (2020). Set in Stone? Predicting Confederate Monument Removal. PS: Political Science & Politics, 53(2), 237-242. doi:10.1017/S1049096519002026
White, Ismail K, Chryl N. Laird, Ernest B. McGowen, and Jared K. Clemons. (2019). “Political Awareness in Black and White: The Effect of Attention to Black Political Discourse on Black Opinion Formation.” In How Public Policy Impacts Racial Inequality, eds. Josh Grimm and Jaime Loke. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press.
Manuscripts in Progress
"Oliver C. Cox, Social Science, and the Black Radical Tradition: A Call for (Re)Unification." (Invited to Revise and Resubmit at Politics, Groups, and Identities)
"Social Movements, Race, and Political Participation in the South: Evidence from 1961 and 2020" with John Aldrich, Edgar Cook, Kyle Endres, Michael Greenberger, Ashley Jardina, Arvind Krishnamurthy, Leann McLaren and Jasmine Smith (Under Review)
“Expressive Partisan Identity and Costly Political Action” with Arvind Krishnamurthy, Miguel Martinez, Leann McLaren, Jasmine Smith and Ismail White (Under Review)
“Does It Matter if You're Black or White? Understanding the Bounds of Descriptive Representation” with Julian Wamble
“Racism without Races: Beyond the Social Construction of Race” with Mo Torres
“The Declining Significance of Race? Understanding the Racial Dynamics of Public Opinion Polarization” with Ismail K. White
"Social Movements, Race, and Political Participation in the South: Evidence from 1961 and 2020" with John Aldrich, Edgar Cook, Kyle Endres, Michael Greenberger, Ashley Jardina, Arvind Krishnamurthy, Leann McLaren and Jasmine Smith (Under Review)
“Expressive Partisan Identity and Costly Political Action” with Arvind Krishnamurthy, Miguel Martinez, Leann McLaren, Jasmine Smith and Ismail White (Under Review)
“Does It Matter if You're Black or White? Understanding the Bounds of Descriptive Representation” with Julian Wamble
“Racism without Races: Beyond the Social Construction of Race” with Mo Torres
“The Declining Significance of Race? Understanding the Racial Dynamics of Public Opinion Polarization” with Ismail K. White